AI Art Prompts – Art Movements

Felt intimidated by the sheer mastery of artwork from some of art history's geniuses? We've all been there! But now we have AI art prompts – a revolutionary approach to creating your work, changing how you view and express yourself through artistic creations.
By taking in key concepts understood through past developments in the art industry, we can draw on this immense knowledge bank and create artworks that can compete with even the most renowned masterpieces. So don't be shy - dive into what our ancestors have left us and get inspired today!

AI Art Prompts – Surrealism

Surrealism art has been both intriguing and influential to society, shaping the way we see and interpret the world around us. Surrealism is seen as a revolutionary art movement, turning away from conventions in favor of exploration into different realms of reality - particularly psychological and unreal states. Surrealism has greatly impacted visual arts, literature, film, and even philosophy.
Dream-like pictures, use of symbolism, and collages are traits of surrealistic art. It strikes a balance between a life viewed rationally and one that stresses the influence of unconsciousness and dreams. The imagination of the artist is the primary tool for images.
Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte are some of the most famous Surrealists that have charmed the public with their mesmerizing works, which depict thought-provoking imagery and ideas. Surrealism art also plays a role in today’s digital landscape - AI art prompts can be used to algorithmically create surreal visuals, driving interesting results.

From the Surrealists of the early 20th century to our contemporary forms and uses of Surrealism art, it's clear this genre shows no signs of losing its unique sparkle anytime soon!

AI Art Prompts – Suprematism

Suprematism art is an influential, modern art movement that has profoundly affected our society. Suprematism was founded by Russian artist Kazimir Malevich, and has since inspired many of today's leading abstract artists. Since its inception in 1915, Suprematists have utilized valuable lessons from the Suprematism school of thought to create works of art.
Suprematist artists sought to create a window into the spiritual realm through their art. Stripping out physical world references, they hoped viewers could experience something more deeply emotional and profound when engaging with it. In other words, beauty went beyond what you saw on the surface!
In this approach, basic geometric shapes like circles, squares, lines, and rectangles painted in a constrained palette made up most of the composition. Suprematists sought the "zero degrees" of art or the point beyond which a thing could no longer be deemed as art. They were primarily interested in pure abstraction.
By offering boundless imagination to those who use artistic tools, such as AI art prompts. Suprematism can be placed in a new light and enjoyed by even more worldwide viewers.

AI Art Prompts – Photorealism

Photorealism utilizes hyper-realistic painting with photography to depict everyday objects, moments, and scenes.
It's an incredibly realistic painting and drawing technique. A photograph is the only inspiration for the artwork in photo-realism. The goal of photorealist art is to depict the world as viewed by a camera, and it does so with exquisite detail and uncannily accurate realism.
Photorealism has been a game-changer in the art world! It's incredible how it captures everyday moments and invites us to discover beauty even in simple things. Its clean, unpainted surfaces speak of its lack of pretension, allowing viewers to appreciate these realist paintings without any bias or sentimentality.
Photorealism has found its footing thanks to some big-name artists like Richard Estes, Ralph Goings, and Audrey Flack. Their mesmerizing work opens people's eyes to the emotional potential of photorealistic art - no matter how obscure it may seem. And with each passing day, more folks are enjoying the beauty of this unique style!

AI Art Prompts – Symbolism Art

Symbolism art seeks to convey deeper meanings and messages through artistic representations, often using symbols, colors, and shapes to draw attention to emotions or ideas rather than physical depictions of an object or scene.
Symbolism art allowed artists to explore their interpretation of themes such as death, love, imagination, and science.
A broad range of topics, such as heroes, ladies, animals, and landscapes, were employed by symbolist artists. Usually, they gave these topics profound implications, like love, death, sin, religion, or illness. Biblical tales, myths, and legends are common topics.
Symbolist art explored various themes, from the heroic to the everyday. Often, they also injected deep symbolism into their works - love and death; sin or salvation; health versus illness, etc. And all this with inspiration taken straight out of biblical tales, myths, and legends!

AI Art Prompts – Pixel Art

Pixel art has been around since the beginning of computer graphics, when games and digital media were limited to only a few pixels on the screen.
The late 70s and early 80s saw developers transform their creative visions into vivid, eye-catching pixel artworks - many of which have become iconic images we still recognize today!
Digital art has made an impressive mark on the contemporary art world. From helping to create immersive video games and designing cool websites, it's revolutionized how we appreciate creativity in many forms — proving its staying power long beyond today!
It has made a massive impression on gaming, with some of the most beloved classics taking advantage of it. Even today its influence is felt in retro and indie games.

Pixel art has made its mark on culture, featuring images that have become part of the collective consciousness. This eye-catching form continues to captivate people around the world. Using Midjourney or any other AI is only going to take your prompt to new heights.

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