AI Produced Art

Have you ever wondered about what kind of artistic movements have influenced this breakthrough form of creativity called AI produced art? Combining AI and art can open up a whole new world of possibilities. To make the most out of it, you need to get clued up on art history. In this post, we will be talking about all the As of effectively creating AI art – also known as art movements.

AI Produced Art – Abstract Expressionism

Abstract expressionism was a revolutionary art movement that began in the mid-20th century. It challenged the traditional painting style of its time, and instead, artists focused on immersing themselves in their work, allowing a form of emotional self-expression to emerge through their paintings. This unique approach became a hallmark of this art style.

AI Produced Art

It was a means to find inner peace and a way for the viewer to connect with the artist. Action painting and gestural abstraction were key components of this style, which ultimately hugely influenced modern art trends. Mark Rothko, Franz Kline and Jackson Pollock are three of the most well-known artists who worked in this style, with their works being profoundly influential on later generations.

ai produced art in jackson pollock style

The word "abstract expressionism" describes contemporary abstract art. The appearance of spontaneity and expressive brushstrokes or mark-making are some common characteristics. Distortion, exaggeration, and imagination, as well as the vivid, startling, violent, or dynamic use of formal components, help achieve this style. 

jackson pollock style ai artwork

AI Produced Art – Art Deco 

Art Deco is a captivating artistic style that extends far beyond its beautiful visuals. Birthed in a time of post-World War I optimism and progress, the style saw a new wave of out-of-the-box thinking combined with a modern edge. Art Deco was a style that wasn't afraid to be bold and daring. We can see a hint of this daring attitude in the rise of AI produced art. 

ai art in art deco style

Rich hues, angular geometry, and opulent detail work are characteristics of Art Deco. It peaked in prominence throughout the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. It infuses flamboyant forms and symmetrical patterns with elegance, luxury, and order. Typically streamlined in appearance, Art Deco products frequently use geometric decoration or ornament styled from realistic forms like flowers, animals, and sunrays.

ai produced artwork

Art Deco features a marriage between traditional craftsmanship and advanced technology through pieces like metalwork and Bakelite accessories. Today, artwork from the original period can be admired in popular museums around the world.

ai art in metallic art deco style

AI Produced Art – Art Nouveau 

Art Nouveau is a type of art movement that originated near the end of 19th century in Europe. It's a distinct, recognizable style that can be found in architecture, visual and decorative arts of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The term 'art nouveau' is French for ‘new art’, which perfectly encapsulates its distinguishing characteristics, making it a major source of inspiration for many art projects today.

art nouveau artwork

Much like the AI produced art projects today, Art Nouveau prided itself on innovation and progressivism, featuring a spirit of modernism and idealism in its works. The main influence behind Art Nouveau at the time was Japanese art and parts of British neoclassicism. The style reflected a new age that was moving away from traditional academic selections, and branching out into a world where a beautiful amalgamation between nature, theory, and imagination took place. To this day, the spirit and beauty found in Art Nouveau continues to inspire us all.

ai artwork in art nouveau style

Using long, sinuous organic lines, arches, bending lines, and sensuous adornment, Art Nouveau became a decorative art style. Stylized representations of foliage, flowers, vines, insects, animals, and other natural components were frequent motifs. It has since become an icon of a bygone era with its characteristically bold features - a truly stunning combination of beauty and design!

ai generated artwork in art nouveau style

AI Produced Art – Avant-Garde Art 

Avant-garde art is a fascinating area of the arts world. It has a long history of artists pushing boundaries and experimenting to create something utterly unique - from Dada to Futurism, this branch of work has a lot to explore. Moreover, these works often use a variety of mediums to explore unusual concepts and forms.

avant garde ai artwork

The definition of avant-garde art is work that is surprising, unsettling, and consequently seen as socially and artistically unacceptable because it is way ahead of its time. The phrases "bold," "innovative," "progressive," and "experimental" refer to work that pushes limits and brings about change. Art that is radical or exhibits originality of vision is referred to be avant-garde. 

ai produced artwork in avant garde style

Avant-garde isn't just a subset of artwork; it is a full-fledged genre with distinct characteristics and a commitment to the rejection of conventional aesthetics. It has been hugely influential in modern art, providing a platform for experimentation and divergence from cultural conventions. Even if you don't consider yourself a fan of this type of work, there's no denying its impact on contemporary art history!

To create breathtaking AI produced art in abstract shapes and sizes, all you need to do is add any one of these movements to your prompt, and voila!! Whether it's setting creative challenges or exploring novel ideas, these moves will help make your next prompt one worth talking about!

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