Art Made by AI

Get creative with your artwork and explore the world of AI. Unleash your creativity by combining the power of technology and art! With so many exciting mediums to explore, you can use art made by AI to open up a world full of boundless possibilities. Dive into its influences for ideas and make something truly remarkable - let your imagination take off on an adventure that only this unique combination can provide.

Liven up your next AI art prompt with some amazing art styles that can be adapted to any theme and setting. Show off your creativity as you whip up fresh ideas and exciting challenges, capturing everyone's attention! Adding these styles to your prompts will have them talking for days on end.

Art Made by AI – Cubism

Cubism art style and vision have been around since 1907 when Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque pioneered it. Cubism combines multiple perspectives of a subject into one artwork, creating a unique point of view.

Cubism is often characterized by geometric shapes, fragmenting objects or figures into two-dimensional planes.

Cubism changed the way we think about art forever. These four innovative thinkers - Jean Metzinger, Juan Gris, Marie Laurencin and Fernand Léger – rejected tradition in favor of a revolutionary perspective. Thanks to their boldness, modern-day art can combine technology with timeless styles thanks to Cubist influence!

Famous Cubist artwork can be experienced first-hand in renowned museums like The Museum of Modern Art, so you won't want to miss out on this opportunity.

AI has recently been joining in on the Cubism movement, by taking images and fragmenting them into computer-generated digital patterns. This creates entirely new forms of abstract art inspired by this popular artistic method!

Art Made by AI – Dada

Dada art is making a comeback in the art world with its innovative and boundary-breaking themes. Dada, which emerged in the early 20th century as an anti-war movement and art style, used absurdist images and language to express non-sensical ideas. 

Humor, whimsy, artistic flexibility, emotional reactivity, irrationalism, and spontaneity are some of the most significant traits of Dadaism. Dadaists played with exposure, perspective, and strange things placed directly on photosensitive paper.

The dada art style revolutionized how we think of art and has never stopped inspiring! Famous dada artists such as Hannah Höch, Francis Picabia, and Kurt Schwitters created incredible artworks that continue to captivate viewers today. 

Höch's collage work ranged from whimsical depictions of modern life to strong social critiques. Picabia twisted technology with surrealism in his paintings to create fantastical works of art.

Dada can produce captivating visuals out of unconventionally combined digital components. The Dada art movement continues to amaze and intrigue as we explore its potential for years to come! 

Art Made by AI – Expressionism 

Expressionism is a kind of art in which the artist aims to capture the feelings and reactions that things and events elicit inside the viewer. Vivid colors and strong strokes are frequently utilized to enhance these emotions and sensations. 

Expressionism was recently adapted for art made by AI, with artists creating expressionistic works generated automatically from videos or images fed into the program.

It is a very distinct style of art, as it focuses on conveying emotion and inner feelings through visual cues. Many Expressionism works also pull from abstract artwork, blending realism with avant-garde techniques to create unique pieces. 

The Expressionism art style has been highly influential in modern art, and Expressionism artists have become well-known for their unique approach to the craft.

Expressionists favor capturing feelings over literal forms, making expressionism an ideal choice for art made by AI, as it allows the software to create increasingly complex and interesting visuals that emulate the Expressionist feel. 

Art Made by AI – Fauvism

Fauvism was a revolutionary art style that emerged in the 20th century. Expressionistic in nature, Fauvism artworks used bright and bold hues to effectively convey their message to viewers.

Famous Fauvism artists such as Henri Matisse – best known for his piece called The Dance - and Andre Derain - famous for London Bridge – used this technique to share their interpretations of the world and bring out powerful emotions in their art.

Their iconic creations have inspired innovation not only in physical art, such as oil painting, but also in digital art and even art made by AI.

Fauvism was distinguished by using vivid, almost acidic colors in odd combinations and an intuitive, highly expressive painting style.

Emotional distortion, savage color contrasts, vibrant brushstrokes, straightforward drawing, flat figures, and delineated outlines are all characteristics of fauvism.

Art Made by AI – Fresco

Fresco art is one of the oldest forms of painting in the world, being first practiced by early Greeks and Egyptians more than two thousand years ago. It’s still popular today, with some Fresco artists achieving great renown through their intricate mural work.

Fresco is a form of wall painting. Typically, it's created on wet plaster so that the colored pigment absorbs into the wall's surface and produces dazzling, vibrant colors.

The Sistine Chapel Frescoes commissioned by Pope Julius II are perhaps the best-known examples, famously painted by Michelangelo. 

Meanwhile, other Fresco painters like Raphael, Fra Angelico, and Diego Rivera made headway among Fresco aficionados. 

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