
NFT Books – Talk To Our Experts

Rs. 1.00

NFTs are gradually gaining ground in a variety of industries. The effects of NFTs on the digital publishing sector might be revolutionary. If you're a poet or an independent author seeking for ways to connect with your readers, this may be the opportunity you've been hoping for. Let's work together and reinvent publishing using NFT books.

One of the primary advantages of working with NFT books is that your ownership is uncontested. Unlike a physical book or an ebook, your product is created and sold on a decentralized network. A system where you – as a writer – decide the royalties, connect with individual readers, and build your community!

Smart contracts are a game changer for publishing. Usually, several parties share the profits from book sales, except for the person who should be getting the real payout, the author! Depending on the publication – royalties are paid out, a few times per year, after delays that are sometimes measured in months. The implementation of contractual rewards through NFTs, however, is integrated into the transaction with the help of a smart contract. The payment is automatic and instantaneous.

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